Kal Calls Me a Liar, Proof I am Not

So Kal called me a liar about his court documents.

Kal says he was never charged with possession of 19 pounds of cocaine in Oklahoma.Kal Police Blotter This news article dated December 10, 2002 from Tulsa World.

Here is Kal’s lawyer’s motion to dismiss the cocaine charge.

Theron Motion

Here is a link to the news article that the case was dropped against him.

Here is what I have on Kal’s bankruptcy.
Schedule A
Schedule B
Schedule C
Schedule D
Schedule E
Schedule F
Schedule G
Schedule H
Schedule I (Income)
Schedule J

So now I have PROVEN, I am not a liar according Themoron C Kal

Kal Is At It Again With His Lies

Kal Dumb Look

So it seems I am not banned for life anymore. On his internet show today Kal asserted that Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980 by 225,000 votes and won 49 states.

As usual Kal is either lying to put down a great American President or he just doesn’t know the facts. When I called his internet show to challenge his false claim, of course Kal insisted he was right.

As usual, Kal was bragging that Obama won by 10 million votes. Of course Kal got that wrong again. Obama did not win either of his elections by 10 million votes. In 2008, Obama won by 9.5 million votes and in 2012 Obama won by 4.9 million votes.

1980 Election ResultsKal insisted that Reagan won 49 states by 225,000 votes in 1980. In the 1980 general election Reagan won 44 states and got 8.4 million more votes than Carter.

1984 Election ResultsIn the 1984 general election Reagan won 49 states and got 16.8 million more votes than Mondale.


So let us compare Reagan vs. Obama total vote margin. In both of his elections Obama won by 14.5 million votes. In both of his elections Reagan won by 25.3 million votes. Reagan beats Obama by 10.8 million votes.

Proof Theron K Cal is a Racist

Since Kal banned me for life by assuming I contacted the IRS about him. I don’t get to interact with his racist ass anymore. It doesn’t really matter because he just spews the same garbage over and over and over again.

Kal is always saying he is against killing. However, Kal is only against killing whenever a white person kills a black person. Kal does not object when a black person kills a white, black or Asian person. As a matter of fact, Kal approves of blacks murdering people no matter who their victim(s) are. Whites, blacks, Asians and yes even children, as you will see below.

Kal Denies Approval of Brown Killing Wilson2

When I asked Kal if he would have approved if Mike Brown did get Officer Wilson’s gun and murdered him with it, Kal said YES. After I proved to this moron exactly what he said, he called me a liar.


9-Yr Old Shot by Gang Members


Kal always denounces any white person who murders a black person. So, when I asked Kal if he would condemn the black gang members who killed 9 year old Antonio Smith, who is black, in Chicago, Kal refused to do it. Kal said it is just blacks reacting to slavery. To Kal when blacks commit murder, it’s perfectly OK with him.



Kal CHINKSAside from my other article about how Kal yelled: “GET ME THE HEAD CHINK IN CHARGE” in a Korean Bank. Here is just another example of Kal’s racism/bigotry against Asians.

Kal Black Murderers No Jail

When I asked Kal if any blacks should be put in prison when they are convicted of murder. Of course Kal said said no blacks should be put in prison no matter what.

Kal in is own words PROVES beyond any doubt that he is a racist/bigot of the highest order. That must be because his great grandmother was white. (Meaning Kal’s great grandfather was a sell-out.) Kal has must have inherited that racist DNA. <sarc>




Kal Banned Me For Life

Kal Dumb LookI called this moron’s show yesterday. He said to me, you are banned for life and hung up on me. I had no idea why. So I continued to listen to his fake radio show to find out why. Eventually, Kal said why. Kal claims he was contacted by the IRS about his claims to be non-profit organization and he blames me for it.

Let me settle this right now. I had absolutely nothing to do with Kal being contacted by the IRS. (If in fact, he really was contacted by the IRS. Kal tends to lie a lot.)  

That being said, let me state that Kal blames me for having pizza delivered to his shoe box apartment. According to Kal, the pizza was delivered COD. For which, Real Broke Brother sent the delivery guy away because he had no money to pay for the pizza. I had nothing to do with that. Although I still think it is really funny. If I did, I would have paid for it because I know Kal is one Real Broke Brother. Kal blamed Lester and I for ringing his doorbell. Lester and I both live in states in the eastern USA relatively close to the Atlantic Ocean. As you all know, Kal lives in Los Angeles, CA. In Kal’s demented mind, he thinks Lester and I beamed in and appeared in front of his residence by way of Google Earth and rang his doorbell. Kal must think that I am really Anan Seven, First Councilman of the High Council of Eminiar Seven. According to Kal, he contacted the LA PD about this matter. The LA PD told him to contact the FBI. In other words, this guy is a nut and we are passing the buck.

RB RADIO Only Call TruthKal runs an almost 24 hour a day insult and hate fest on his fake radio show and on twitter. Constantly insulting white people by calling them racist, mentally ill, dumb, saying disparaging things about people’s family members and accusing innocent white people of murder by saying things like “Your hate is killing black people” or Kal will ask a caller “How many black people has your hate killed?” Kal has insulted a countless number of people on his fake radio show and on twitter. It’s no wonder he is suspended from twitter on a regular basis. It would never cross Kal’s moronic mind that perhaps someone he has insulted and called filthy names contacted the IRS about his non-profit claims. Kal doesn’t ever think that there might be consequences for his insults, vitriol and hate. I’m surprised no one has kicked his ass for his insults.

Kal claims to be against killing. This is only a half truth because Kal is only against killing when it’s white on black murder. Kal will never denounce blacks who commit murder. That means Kal supports blacks who commit murder. This proves Kal is a scumbag.

Kal is soo fucking stupid he couldn’t figure out how many years it has been since 1980 using a calculator. He multiplied 2015 and 1980 instead of subtracting. Click here to see this moron in action. This stupid fuck was also trying to say in this clip that Republicans haven’t won a Presidential Election for the past 56 years. Of course that’s a big pile of shit. He would need a backhoe to dig himself out of that one. But of course facts are foreign to him.

Kal also said on his fake radio show last night that was going to sell his show. What this imbecile doesn’t understand is his internet show isn’t worth anything because it doesn’t attract listeners. Without listeners, it doesn’t attract advertisers. Making it’s value nil.

Bottom line is, Kal is and always has been a loser at life. I would bet dollars to navy beans that Kal’s wife knows she made a huge mistake marrying this dimwit. I’m sure she doesn’t like the poverty-stricken life he husband has provided her.


Theron Makes a Total Ass of Himself on The Joe Prich Show

Kal Dumb LookOn Wednesday June 3, 2015 Theron was a guest on Joe Prich’s blogtalk radio show. Theron once again, made unsubstantiated and ridiculous claims. He was generally rude, screaming and ranting his BS along with his usual insults. Theron was not interested at all in debate. He spewed his BS by filibuster. Theron again, let the world know just how ignorant and dumb he really is. It’s safe to say, he will not be invited back on Joe’s show. If you care to listen to the show click here.

Then, of course the next day on his fake radio show, Theron claimed victory. He is soo dumb he doesn’t know that he made a total and complete ass of himself. 

Ask RealBrother — May 29, 2015

Q.  Dear RealBrother — Our history class is doing a segment on Kitty Hawk.  We would appreciate your thoughts on the Wright Brothers. What did you think of their first flight in 1903?

A.  Are you stupid?  RBClaimsAfricansInventedPlanes07March2015

Q.  Dear Real Brother — You constantly talk about President Obama’s blackness and how he overcame the myth that a black man could not be elected president. Why do you never acknowledge the President is half-white?

A.  Are you stupid? RBOnHumanEmbryoGrowth

Q.  Dear RealBrother — Finances are often a tricky problem for businesses that are starting out, particularly minority-owned and woman-owned businesses.  Do you often worry about whether or not your bank is going to cover expenses for you near the end of the month when resources are often tight?

A. Are you stupid?


Murder, Murder on the Street: When Will He Learn How to Tweet

Theron Cal has regularly proven himself to be a source of buffoonery throughout his multiple accounts on Twitter, his Facebook accounts, and his REALBROTHERRADIONETWORK.COM web site.

One of his favorite topics on which to combine innumeracy and illiteracy is black-on-black crime, particularly in Chicago.

Anyone with the least bit of news awareness knows that Chicago is a (if not THE) murder capital of the United States. Yet, Theron stubbornly insists that crime went down 80% after Barack Obama was inaugurated.

(We will pause here for a moment of hysterical laughter.)

This quote from a front-page article in the May 27, 2015 USA TODAY (titled “Urban Violence Rages Over Weekend”) should put this to rest:

Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who won re-election in April, touted the strides Chicago has made under his watch in reducing the number of homicides. The nation’s third-largest city had 407 homicides last year, the city’s lowest in five decades.

For those of you in Los Angeles, that means that Chicago has not had a year since 1965 with fewer than 407 homicides. 2015 won’t change the trend.

Theron K Cal accuses this site of “impersonating him”

the LAST thing this site is about is “pretending” to be Theron K Cal

what it is about is documenting the sheer and utter stupidity that he continues to post to twitter daily

he makes stupid claims, then declares them “facts that don’t need or have proof”

facts_dont_need_proof__that is counter to every known definition of “fact”

when i checked this domain name, it wasnt registered to anyone, and thus able to be registered by ANYONE, so i registered it

i didn’t “hack” anything, nor have i tried to “divert” anything from anyone or anything

but watching him proclaim “I’m going to put you in JAIL” for registering this site has been an abundance of laughs for me and several other members of twitter

I await him sending me legal papers and him trying to prove he “owns” “real brother” because he supposedly called himself that 20 years ago

i have yet to see any documentation of him having a “business License” that he claims to possess

I’ve looked on both the state of California’s business search, as well as the state of Delaware(they allow non-residents to register a business) yet, neither site shows a business of “real brother” anything belonging to HIM, nothing for “Theron Cal” either, how can he have a “business lic” and yet there is no public record of it ANYWHERE

thanks for reading and i hope you continue to enjoy the comedy rantings of Theron K Cal that will continue to be posted here